America now has a centenarian ex president. But check out this statue in his home town:

Review: Videodrome (kevinsreviewcatalogue)
I was thinking of writing about how you could totally remake Videodrome now, but someone already wrote a much better review to that effect.
A meme about USB (
This really captures what I dislike about USB-C.
I was really hoping that something like this existed, and wouldn’t you know it, it totally does. This site cross references sci-fi jargon across the history or science fiction.
The best sports headline you’re going to see this month (
Best sports headline of the month.
Digital Terrain Models of Mars (
I was looking for some heightmaps I could use (see the next link) and found these really cool scans of the martian surface.
Ceefax (
Replication of Ceefax, for retrocomputing enthusiasts.