Unnamed Novohk Dynasty. The conceit of this army is that I’m retro-modding neon green rods back into the models. The first plastic Necrons featured transparent green plastic rods on their gauss flayers. I’ve taken it upon myself to inflict this decision on newer models that never considered this a design possibility.

The look turns out to be quite striking.
Painting instructions:
Prime white.
Airbrush basecoat Vallejo Gunmetal
hand detail with vallejo black and red model air. It was really hard to find a good metallic red, but a thin coat of model air did the trick better than anything else.
Wash with Citadel nuln oil gloss. This is discontinued and though I have a lot of it, I want to see if it’s even noticable after doing a varnish.
Finish with green bits first in Escorpina Green (vallejo) then spots of fluorescent green.
For blades and glowing orbs, base coat with an additional airbrush fade between olive green and escorpina green, then do escorpina and flourescent in the recesses and edges.
Formula for the bases on top of gray Vallejo sand texture medium:

- Paint in Vallejo (model air) yellow ochre
- wash with Citadel (shade) Seraphim Sepia
- dry brush Citadel (dry) Tyrant Skull
- Paint streaks with Yellow Ochre
- (Rocks:)
- Many coats of Vallejo Mud Brown
- Dry brush Tyrant Skull