January 2025 Web Links

I promise to eventually publish some stuff that isn’t links, but I really do want to keep doing links, so here we are:

The Terran Trade Authority, Traveller, and Setting Greebles (greatdungeonnorth.blogspot.com)

I really like the concept they name here of ‘setting greebles.’


A neat web application that lets you compare the size of different landmasses on a Mercator projection map by dragging them around.

Hindenburg Research shutting down (HindenburgResearch.com)

Hindenburg Research is shutting down. They’ve done some excellent investigations, and it’s a shame to see them go. I do worry that this is a canary for being able to say actionable, unflattering things about companies.

The sound of a meteorite striking the ground has been captured for the first time (Petapixel.com)

An interesting side effect of how surveiled the world is: now incredibly rare natural events are captured on film. Stands in nice contrast to bigfoots and the whole drone situation.

Continent-size blobs in Earth’s mantle are a billion years old, ancient crystals reveal (livescience.com)

New research on the exciting field of figuring out what the heck the deal is with LLSVPs.

Disappearing_polymorph (en.wikipedia.org)

Neat concept. Makes you wonder what molecules are floating around in quantities too small to do anything at the macro scale there are all around us.

EV Nova Walkthroughs (escape-velocity.games)

Have a new mirror it seems.

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